Issue 31

Egni adnewyddadwy: cyfle i ffermwyr arallgyfeirio mewn amgylchedd busnes heriol? (Renewable energy: an opportunity for farmers to diversify in a challenging business environment?)

Farm businesses face increasing challenges of economic instability and traditional production methods, therefore this paper considers the role of renewable energy production in sustaining such businesses, given the richness of natural resources in Wales. The study adopts mixed methods as a means of undertaking an in-depth investigation into the role of renewable energy generation in supporting agribusinesses in Wales. The theoretical contribution of this paper is a segmentation of farmers using a cluster analysis which  allows for distinctions to be made of different attitudes to off-farm income and the adoption of renewable energy sources. The research can inform Welsh Government regarding policies towards facilitating the increase in renewable energy.


Green economy, agribusiness, entrepreneurship, renewables, Wales.


Bowen, R. a Morris, W. (2020), ‘Egni adnewyddadwy: cyfle i ffermwyr arallgyfeirio mewn amgylchedd busnes heriol?’, Gwerddon, 31, 112–133. 

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