Issue 27

‘Beth os mai hon yw Armagedon?’: Crefydd a’r Wasg Gymreig yn y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf (‘What if this is Armageddon?’: Religion and the Welsh Press in the First World War)

This paper analyses the Welsh periodical press during the First World War, with an emphasis on the way an important aspect of the Welsh war culture was constructed. As an integral part of civil society, the press represented a powerful platform from where audiences could be influenced, as contributors of prominent social standing presented, interpreted, and framed the war in particular ways and in accordance with personal beliefs and cultural traditions. This paper argues that a powerful religious discourse was constructed by commentators in the Welsh press with regards to the meaning and purpose of the war, with thoughtful consideration given to prophecy, salvation, and the coming of a new age where Christianity would play a central role.


First World War, Wales, the press, culture, religion.


Powel, M. (2018), ‘“Beth os mai hon yw Armagedon?”: Crefydd a’r Wasg Gymreig yn y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf’, Gwerddon, 27, 67–94. 

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